Thursday 12 October 2017


Target Audience : a particular group which a film, book, advertising campaign, product... is aimed at to receive and consume.
People in the UK are targeted  and labelled based on their social class, occupation, postcode, income, age, gender. This is called socio-economic and demographic profiling and this demographic information is used in media marketing.

A – Upper Middle Class, Higher Management, Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors
B - Middle Class, Teachers, Graphic Designers
C1 – Lower Middle Class, Junior Management, Nurses, Bank Clerks
C2 – Skilled Working Class, Electricians, Plumbers, Builders, Carpenters
D – Working Class, Unskilled Manual Workers
E – Those at the lowest level of subsistence, Students, Pensioners, Casual Workers


Psychographic segmentation divides the audience into groups based on social class, lifestyle, personality characteristics, values and attitude. This can be seen as an outdated method but has been used for many years so it has some relevant data and value to the system.

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