Friday 10 November 2017

Newspaper types and conventions

BROADSHEETS - The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Telegraph,  The Times, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, The Observer, The Financial Times, i 
Front page

  • Large title
  • One large photo
  • Whats inside teaser
  • Lots of text
  • Subtitles 
  • Formal language and serious, intellectual articles and stories
  • Aimed at higher social group (A,B,C1) and an older target audience
TABLOIDS- Daily Mail, Daily Express, The Sun, Daily Star, Daily Star, on Sunday, Daily Mirror
Front page 
  • Large titles
  • Many photos
  • Minimal text
  • Multiple stories
  • Reality, pop culture, informal stories
  • Lots of colour
  • Aimed lower social group ( C2, D, E) and younger target audience
  • Puns and jokes in headlines
  • Less in depth report

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